Folded child's hand in front of a slate

Blackboard and cane: school at the time of the emperors

In the form of a role-playing game in the historic school and community bakery, the children learn what childhood and schooling in the country used to be like.
"Frollein" or "Mr. Teacher" convey content and rules for the lesson.
To prepare for the role-playing game, the class receives an approx or three role plays can be booked (84 € | 129 € | 175 €), as space in the historical school class is limited. The introduction is common to all. The children can also join the “Westerwald” discovery tour.
Target group
Number of people
Booking number
Approx. 2.5 hrs; 3.5 hrs; 4.5 hrs
From the 3 school year
from the 3rd school year: max. 24 people; from the 5th school year: max. 20 people; from the 7th school year: max. 16 people.
99 EUR; 149 EUR; 199 EUR
MuKi – House of Education and Mediation

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LVR-Freilichtmuseum Kommern

Rheinisches Landesmuseum für Volkskunde

Eickser Straße, D-53894 Mechernich-Kommern

02443 / 99800

Opening Hours

Open 365 days a year!

Summer 29th March till 31st October: 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Winter 1st November till 30th March: 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Admission until 1 hour before closing.

booking of the project

culture info rhineland / kir
Tel. 02234 9921-555

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