Bees on a honeycomb

Busy bees: honey and wax

Humans have been using bees to supply honey and wax for centuries. On the way to the teaching apiary, the project management explains interesting facts about bees and plants. An exhibition in the house from Altenburg gives an overview of historical beekeeping. In the modern teaching apiary, the children learn about beekeeping today, the biology of the honey bee and its importance for our environment. Situations from the life of bees are playfully deepened. The children also make candles from beeswax. Afterwards, a journey of discovery through the "Westerwald" is possible.
Target group
Number of people
Meeting point
Booking number
Approx. 3 hours
from 3rd school year
Max. 20
114 €
Museum ticket office

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We are glad to be here for you

LVR-Freilichtmuseum Kommern

Rheinisches Landesmuseum für Volkskunde

Eickser Straße, D-53894 Mechernich-Kommern

02443 / 99800

Opening Hours

Open 365 days a year!

Summer 29th March till 31st October: 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Winter 1st November till 30th March: 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Admission until 1 hour before closing.

booking of the project

culture info rhineland / kir
Tel. 02234 9921-555

The sponsors of LVR-open air museum Kommern: